Educated & Capable Community
Supporting thriving and resilient residents
Goal and Definition
Status Indicators for Most Recently Reported Results: On Target | Caution | Below Plan | No Information
The years prior to kindergarten are critical in shaping a child’s foundation for later school success. Research demonstrates that learning begins at birth and that high quality early learning programs help children arrive in kindergarten ready to succeed. Yet in Buncombe County, gaps in access to affordable high-quality child care options are expected to persist due to limited availability.
Actual |
Target |
Results for |
50% | 75% | Q4 FY24 |
What we’re watching
% of children entering kindergarten at a proficient level based on entry assessment
Reflects the percentage of incoming kindergarteners in the Asheville City and Buncombe County School systems that meet or exceed proficiency standards for the majority of language, literacy, cognitive and math developmental measures.
This is not a Buncombe County Strategic Plan Goal, but watching this metric informs how county goals are pursued.
Early literacy has been proven to have a significant relationship with graduation rates. Third-grade students receive extra attention in North Carolina because of the state’s Read to Achieve legislative initiative, a part of the Excellent Public Schools Act. Buncombe County Schools reports growing achievement gaps between various subgroups of students (Hispanic compared to White, Economically Disadvantaged compared to Non-Economically Disadvantaged, etc.). For example, between 2014 and 2018, the achievement gap among black and white students grew from 31% to 33%. In comparison, the minority achievement gap grew even more dramatically across Asheville City Schools – from 52% to 62%. This gap is second highest among North Carolina school districts and fifth highest in the country.
Actual |
Target |
Results for |
96% | 75% | Q4 FY24 |
What we’re watching
% of 3rd grade students proficient on NC end-of-grade assessment for reading and math
Being on track in reading and math in 3rd grade is a key gateway towards future academic success, particularly due to the shift at this age from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." This is the percent of 3rd graders testing as proficient in both reading and math on end-of-grade tests in Ashville City and Buncombe County Schools.
This is not a Buncombe County Strategic Plan Goal, but watching this metric informs how county goals are pursued.
Readiness for college and/or careers after high school graduation is critical for students’ future success. High school graduation rates have risen over the years. Both Buncombe and Asheville City schools reported higher four-year graduation rates than the state’s average of 86.5% in 2018-19. Yet not all students are prepared with the skills and experience for postsecondary education or living wage jobs.
Actual |
Target |
Results for |
33% | 75% | Q4 FY24 |
What we’re watching
High School Graduation Rate
Graduating from high school is extremely important for future academic and professional success. This is the percentage of entering 9th graders who graduated successfully with their class in 4 years in Asheville City and Buncombe County Schools. Graduation rate alone does not tell the whole story and is best considered along with other performance measures to understand graduation with readiness and disparities in education.
This is not a Buncombe County Strategic Plan Goal, but watching this metric informs how county goals are pursued.
The median age in Buncombe County is on the rise. Between 2017 and 2037, each age group of Buncombe County residents is expected to grow in number but some more than others. Therefore, their relative proportions are expected to change. The number of older adults age 65+ is projected to grow by 28,330 and increase by 5% to 24% of the population. Older adults can experience disproportionate impacts from community barriers such as lack of access to affordable housing, transportation, health care, and wellness options.
Actual |
Target |
Results for |
100% | 75% | FY24 |
What we’re watching
Protect older residents' ability to age in place
AARP’s livability score is the indicator for protecting older residents’ ability age in place as a community indicator because it represents work that both HHS, multiple County Departments, and local advocacy groups envision for housing, transportation, the environment, health, engagement, and opportunity for Buncombe County.